Online Woordenboek

Wat (wie) is PARTICIPATED - definitie

·Impf & ·p.p. of Participate.
List of Ottoman battles in which the sultan participated         
  • Osman I (Osman Gazi)]] 1299-1324
  • Orhan (Orhan Gazi)]]   1324-1361
  • Murat I (Hüdavendigar)]] 1361-1389
  • Beyazıt I (Yıldırım)]]    1389-1402
  • [[Murat II]] 1421-1451
  • Mehmet II (Fatih)]]   1451-1481
  • Selim I (Yavuz)]] 1512-1520
  • Süleyman I (Kanuni)]]   1520-1566
  • [[Mehmet III]] 1595-1603
  • [[Osman II]] 1618-1622
  • [[Mustafa II]] 1695-1703
List of the Ottoman battles in which the sultan participated
The List of Ottoman Battles In Which The Sultans Participated In is shown below. Note that the sieges are not included in the list.
Participative management or decision-making involves the participation of all the people engaged in an activity or affected by certain decisions. (FORMAL)
...a participative management style.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PARTICIPATED
1. participated.
The Power of Onlyness - Unlocking the Capacity of Each of Us _ Nilofer Merchant _ Talks at Google
2. participated.
Breaking Trail - A Climbing Life _ Arlene Blum _ Talks at Google
3. participated.
11 Rules for Creating Value in the #SocialEra _ Nilofer Merchant _ Talks at Google
4. who participated.
5. who participated.
Clarence Jones _ Behind the Dream _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PARTICIPATED
1. However, few businessmen and professionals, who actively participated in past protests against Mr Marcos and Mr Estrada, participated Wednesday‘s rally.
2. "He never had a bill; he never participated in the process, none of his staff participated," Busch said.
3. Others participated in volleyball or soccer matches.
4. About 300 soldiers participated in the operation.
5. Twenty presidential candidates participated in Sunday‘s election.